Being on The Journey

Hello friends.  To say it’s been a while would be a gross understatement.  Where have I been?  Oh I’ve been around, spreading the word (well actually, words), testing the waters, realigning priorities, coping with, well - life. 

I have been on The Journey.

And I have also joined others on their Journeys since launching my mentoring business qUirk.

Being on The Journey: it’s why I’m here.  My Journey, with all of it’s endless waiting for something-anything, it’s careening S turns, crash and burns, it’s missing out on (and still missing out on) things in this life that should be a given…my Journey, is still a beautiful one.

So to all you spellers or yet to be spellers out there, it is my heartfelt wish that you hear me and believe that your Journey can be beautiful too.

Will it be without bumps and potholes along the way? 

Will it be without stumbling and having to get back up? 

Will it be without getting knocked down and having to get back up?

Most certainly not.

No human, whether neurodiverse   or neurotypical, has a smooth ride through life. And yes, the nonspeakers’ road can be rougher than most.  Cue (or should I say prompt?) the list of ways we have been wronged. 

But we nonspeaking autistics are also some of the most patient, persistent, self sacrificing, grateful, kind, intuitive, inclusive, forgiving, brilliant, resilient people on the planet.

Lead with that as foremost in your mind.  We have much more to offer than what is obvious to others.  We must believe this of ourselves if we want the world to believe it. 

Our time is now.


