Noah Seback

Nonspeaking Autistic, Lived Experience Expert, Self Advocate

Noah’s differences have been considered deficits his entire life. His humanity & potential have been questioned & underestimated. His qUirk was an obstacle to thriving. No more. Through spelling on a letterboard with a communication regulation partner, he has gained a voice. He is now able to speak into his own life & wellbeing.

He has collaborated with others to strategize & authentically address his greatest challenges: extreme body dysregulation & the traumatizing label of ‘behavior problem’, ingrained motor loops, severe inflexibility, debilitating movement motor/sensory/emotional differences.

His passion is that all nonspeakers move from just surviving to thriving. Using his lived experience he seeks to partner with nonspeakers & their allies to that end. qUirk can thrive.


  • STAR Institute Virtual Summit: 2022 Sensory Health in Schools, Expert Panel Member

  • Emergency Medicine & the Autistic Experience for Wellstar Emergency Medicine Residency 2022


  • Named Top Contributor 2021 as Top Young Voice by Exceptional Needs Today magazine

  • Exceptional Needs Today (Issue 9: pages 30-32) "Disproving Misconceptions About NonSpeaking Autistics: We Are the Evidence

  • Exceptional Needs Today (Issue 2: page 38) "Let NonSpeakers 'Speak' into Their Own Lives"

  • Autism Parenting Magazine "Noah’s Voice: NonSpeaking Man Advocates for Big Changes"

Nadine Seback

Parent of Non-Speaking Autistic, OTR/L, Registered S2C Practitioner

Nadine is proud to be Noah’s mother, making her the mother of a nonspeaking autistic for more than 20 years, both pre & post Noah having a voice. She has been functioning as his primary communication regulation partner since he began communicating at age 16; this means she has journeyed with Noah from struggling to thriving. She has supported & championed him through his profile’s many challenges. Her background as an OT & registered Spelling to Communicate practitioner has amplified her contribution to Noah’s growth trajectory. Her training, insight & experience qualifies her to be a valuable resource and asset as needed.

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